Our new five questions series asks parking professionals about the habits and hobbies that allow them to be the best versions of themselves at work, and otherwise. Check back next month for more!

Brian Wolff, President & CEO, Parker Technology
Brian is a Michigan native with a fantastic laugh and a fondness for golf and baseball. He is known for his authentic concern, and leading with core values. His weaknesses are donuts and cigars.
Read on for his answers to our five questions.
1. How do you start your day?
I rise early, turn the weather on the TV, walk three miles on the treadmill while listening to music or an audible book and then meditating for 12 minutes (yes, 12 in three sessions, 6-3-3).
The most important part is that I absolutely DO NOT want to get up with the alarm and then 2 minutes into my walk, I am so glad I dragged my butt out of bed and got moving. It inspires me that inertia can be and must be overcome every single day!
2. What do you do to enrich yourself outside of work?
I do lots of reading or listening via Audible – it provides perspective, motivation and gives a triangulation point to some of my own thoughts while giving me a completely different perspective on the world or an issue.
I also try to cultivate relationships with people whom I admire and respect. Networking invariably enables me to either connect to someone new or help a colleague connect to someone whom they want to meet.
3. If you need inspiration, where do you draw from?
Music always raises my spirits – it’s the beat and the intensity that gets my mind moving in a more positive direction. Books are always a solid “go to” when I need a boost.
Before COVID took hold, I would say attending in-person gatherings like conferences or networking meetings were also a source of inspiration because attending helps me appreciate the issues or challenges I’m facing are not unique and there are others who are actively working through similar challenges (or worse).
4. What work-related habit or practice do you think contributes the most to your success?
I work very hard to serve my colleagues and my family in some way every day or engage them geniunely as often as I can and create an environment where everyone is appreciated as equal and integral members of the Parker Team.
5. What’s the best thing you’ve found to do when you’re stressed?
If I need a “quick fix” I’ll meditate for 5 minutes to clear my head. If I have time, my stress release is a game of golf!