Our five questions series asks one of our Parker People about the habits and hobbies that allow them to be the best versions of themselves at work, and otherwise. Check back next month for more!

Katelyn Dean, Demand Generation Specialist, Parker Technology
Katelyn Dean has recently joined the Parker marketing team as an Orr Fellow! She comes to us as a recent graduate from Indiana Wesleyan University with a bachelor’s degree in Strategic and Human Communication. She is excited to learn more about the parking industry and immerse herself in everything Parker! Katelyn is known for her reliability, and ability to organize anything and everything. Her biggest weaknesses are good books and peanut butter ice cream.
Read on for her answers to our five questions.
1. How do you start your day?
I start each day with a little light reading to help me wake up and mentally prepare for the various tasks and meetings that I have for the day. This helps me get focused and energized. I’m not a morning person at all, so I need at least 30 min to relax before starting the workday.
2. What do you do to enrich yourself outside of work?
I love to read and cook. I always have a book with me, whether on my phone or a physical copy. I like to cook because it helps me destress and relax for the evening. I also love to travel and hike, so I’m all about visiting new places and learning their history.
3. If you need inspiration, where do you draw from?
When I need inspiration, I typically look to my friends and family. They help me see things from a new perspective and allow me to come up with creative ideas that I might not have thought of before. For work-related things, I typically turn to similar companies and markets to see what they are doing and find inspiration from that.
4. What work-related habit or practice do you think contributes the most to your success?
Something that I’ve done every day since freshman year is plan out what I need to accomplish that day. This helps me prioritize tasks and projects so that I don’t fall behind or let something slip. I work better and am more productive when I have a detailed list of what I need to get done.
5. What’s the best thing you’ve found to do when you’re stressed?
I’ve found that when I’m stressed it’s helpful to take a small break to clear my head and refocus. I do this by taking a walk, reading or even just sitting and doing nothing. Rather than thinking about all of my options, I clear my mind and refocus my priorities and plan of action.
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