In addition to the external-facing new features we’ve added to our Platform over the past few months, we are also continually improving and enhancing our software feature functionality internally. These capabilities will help our CSRs be more efficient and provide you (our beloved customers) with visibility into the value we bring each day/week/month.
Read More It’s not easy, but we are all trying to find a way to move forward. As much as we wish we could wave a magic wand and make it all go away, I’m afraid that a helping hand is the best we can offer.
Read More Is the amount of time that you have for your personal life acceptable? If not, what are the root causes? I tend to put them into these four main categories: career growth, delegation, support network and infrastructure & tools.
Read More We use a constant flow of information to supply our feedback loops. We take information from our team to make our environment better, from our vendors to make our supply chain better and from our clients to make our offering better. Today I would like to dive into the client feedback loop and make sure you know how important it is and what we do with the information.
Read More One of the most profound moments in my professional career hit me like a brick wall when I was shopping by myself in Target. No one to lead, I wasn’t standing in the middle of a crazy flurry directing traffic or calming tension, as was common in my job. Rather, I was simply shopping and being intentional about smiling, which is all it took! That one trip finally helped me see what people had been trying to tell me for over 20 years – that energy IS a boomerang and the consistent energy you feel in others is a reflection of the energy they see in you. Period, the end, no ifs, ands or buts about it.
Read More Each of us have different experiences that impact our perception of events as they unfold. I found that my past experience with a person, or group of people, was one of the biggest limiting factors to my ability to broaden my circle of influence, to be included on the growth of an initiative or to […]
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