Category: Thought Leadership
The other day I was on a train with my family, and as the next group of passengers embarked, I nudged my teenage son to move so that a kind woman, “much older” than him, could take a seat. The woman smiled and shared that she had just recently encouraged her daughter to do the same thing. With an exasperated expression, she shared that in that moment, her daughter failed to comply and said “Why? I’m never going to see them again.” Interesting. It took 24 hours before I could connect the dots. Then it hit me.
Read More Each of us have different experiences that impact our perception of events as they unfold. I found that my past experience with a person, or group of people, was one of the biggest limiting factors to my ability to broaden my circle of influence, to be included on the growth of an initiative or to […]
Read More Self-service automation is taking over. You can’t go to a grocery store, an airport or a restaurant without interacting with a machine where a human once stood. The automated machines in parking garages known as PARCS equipment are no different. The parking industry led the way when operators started replacing cashiers with automated payment kiosks more than 15 years ago. And while it’s true that automation is becoming the norm, human failure in front of that automation is happening much more than you realize.
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