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Tag: gateless

Unlocking Success in Gateless Parking

Managing parking facilities efficiently can be a daunting task, especially if they are gateless. 

Gateless parking systems have gained popularity in recent years, offering a more seamless and convenient experience for customers. However, implementing these systems comes with its own set of challenges like digital discrimination, low compliance rates and safety concerns.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the current challenges, key concepts and actionable insights to streamline your parking operation.

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Overcoming Challenges in a Gateless Era Pt. 2

Numerous parking locations have shifted from gates to gateless to address frequent problems, such as equipment malfunctions, user error and software glitches. While these gateless solutions solved some common issues, many parking customers struggle to understand and adapt to gateless parking, even when conspicuous instructions are available.

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Overcoming Challenges in a Gateless Era Pt. 1

Here at Parker Technology, we take great pride in delievering seamless parking solutions with our highly effective software and 24/7 support. Our solutions empower parking facilities to deliver quality customer experiences, and we offer software and support for gated and gateless garages.

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Gateless Lot

Bringing Value to Gateless Facilities

In the ever-evolving landscape of parking management systems, Parker Technology is a key player in revolutionizing customer service for gateless parking operations. While 90% of our business derives from calls initiated in facilities with Parking Access and Revenue Control System (PARCS), at lane or pay-on-foot devices, our impact extends beyond traditional gate-secured facilities. This blog delves into the unique challenges faced by gateless facilities and how at Parker Technology we are not just adapting, but thriving in this paradigm shift.

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