How many times have you jumped to conclusions, put your foot in your mouth, or made assumptions that turned out to be incorrect? One of the best ways to prevent this situation is to be curious and continuously ask questions.
Read More There is no denying that technology and digital automation have made many aspects of our lives easier and more convenient. However, there is such a thing as too much technology. Or rather, too many screens and not enough human interaction.
Read More At Parker Technology, we deeply believe in embracing core values that teach our staff to do great things and provide great customer service. And today, we are talking about Excellence in Communication.
Read More Critical thinking and problem-solving are crucial for your business. Practically every occupation requires some form of critical thinking, and you can improve your processes by cultivating a workplace of capable critical thinkers and problem solvers. When your employees are empowered and able to solve issues at a moment’s notice, they’ll require less oversight and work more efficiently.
Read More It’s exciting to think about how technology is reshaping the customer service experience. There’s no longer a need to wait hours or days to get answers to your questions. Help is always right at your fingertips.
Read More A truly excellent customer experience can make or break a company’s success—especially today. Just as the things a company is capable of providing have evolved with time, so have customer behaviors. Today’s consumers are more discerning than they once were. They not only expect high-quality products, but they also expect high-quality service.
Read More It’s no secret that the past couple of years have significantly affected the way we live and work. As a result, individuals across all industries have had to find new ways to make this “new normal” work. In most cases, it meant a switch to a remote, work-from-home lifestyle that required new tools and strategies to fully automate systems conducive to this kind of working environment.
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