Our five questions series asks one of our Parker People about the habits and hobbies that allow them to be the best versions of themselves at work, and otherwise. Check back next month for more!

Ryan Givens, Regional Account Executive, Parker Technology
Ryan Givens is the newest edition to our sales team, but he’s certainly not new to parking! He comes to us with over 12 years in this industry, with an operations and university parking background. He is also the only proud employee with a CAPP certification. Funny story, Ryan actually used to be our customer while at Penn State University – that’s how we met him and first started to build a relationship. We’re thrilled to have flipped him from customer to employee! Ryan is known for his follow-through, integrity and love of the Indianapolis Colts.
Read on for his answers to our five questions.
1. How do you start your day?
The order flip-flops depending on the day of the week, but it is either going downstairs into our home gym and working out, followed by our dachshund taking a nap in my lap, or the order ends up getting reversed if he gets into my lap before I make it downstairs.
2. What do you do to enrich yourself outside of work?
I focus on establishing a work-life harmony, as I believe it is extremely difficult to find a true work-life balance. Life is short and life throws you unexpected curve balls. Do things you want to do when you can. Don’t assume and wait to do it later if you don’t need to wait. Around the house, I like to read, research things and have quiet time. When my wife and I do things together, I like us to focus on experiences such as going to zoos (we are big into animal conservation), going to sporting events, or visiting locations we have never been to previously. Beach destinations are our go-to when we want to completely relax and get away.
3. If you need inspiration, where do you draw from?
There are several things I feel have set my foundation and help me focus and move forward in a positive and productive manner. First, I use my past life experiences. Like everyone, I’ve had challenging experiences, and in one instance, a fraction of an inch made the difference from possibly dying or suffering a life altering injury. I use all of that to realize even when I face bumps in the road, I will be able to overcome them, get back on my feet and move forward again. I try to keep things in perspective by having the understanding and awareness that every day there are others going through much more challenging circumstances than me. Also, understanding almost every day we interact with someone that has something negative or stressful impacting them and that a positive, productive or even light-hearted conversation with them (even when we have no clue they are going through something), might make their day better rather than making it worse. Just treating others with the respect and common decency they deserve.
4. What work-related habit or practice do you think contributes the most to your success?
I believe the practice which has contributed the most to my success has really been a mindset of always trying to do the right things for the right reasons. I am a Marine Veteran and truly believe in honor, courage and commitment. Take care of your team because you should. Focus on their success because you should. Be fair, reasonable, and consistent with others because you should. Treat others with respect because you should. Don’t compromise your integrity or reputation because you shouldn’t (and you cannot get them back easily, if ever). All that doesn’t mean I don’t make mistakes or go back and think to myself, I should have done this. What it does mean though is I can look myself in the mirror and know my intent was doing the right things for the right reasons.
5. What’s the best thing you’ve found to do when you’re stressed?
For as long as I can remember, running, lifting weights or working out has been the most productive way for me to work through stress, anxiousness, being annoyed, or getting my mind to shut down when I cannot seem otherwise to turn it off. I put on my headphones/earbuds, crank up the Metallica, get zoned in and get after it.
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