Our five questions series asks one of our Parker People about the habits and hobbies that allow them to be the best versions of themselves at work, and otherwise. Check back next month for more!

Tammy Baker, COO, Parker Technology
Tammy Baker is a large part of what makes Parker so special. She sees the world in a unique way, challenging the rest of us to think deeply and live with conviction. Customers adore her and our team wouldn’t be the same without her. She is known for wearing fun heels every day, telling funny stories and communicating clearly. Her weakness: Bib & Tucker on the rocks and a Vegas craps table.
Read on for her answers to our five questions.
1. How do you start your day?
Take care of the dogs, make coffee, check email and make sure the kids are starting their day. Then I’ll close the bedroom door and meditate, watch the news, shower and then off to work.
2. What do you do to enrich yourself outside of work?
The true answer is…not always enough. The priorities of being a mom and leader in our organization are often where my time is allocated. I do find personal growth with the activities that these bring, but it is important to find the “me” time to keep myself on track. SO, when I can, I like to read, listen to podcasts, talk to friends and mentors about what they do and how it helps, and spend time in prayer.
I know I said it last, but spending time in prayer is something that I have recently put more focus on. I heard a talk where the person said to pray for people and situations that have angered you. You cannot hate who you are praying for. This really made me think. One of the easiest ways of getting negative energy out of my life is to pray. Once you talk to the Lord about an issue, you have an entirely different perspective on the matter.
3. If you need inspiration, where do you draw from?
If I need help, I pray, I talk to others, google quotes by people that are on my inspiration wall or listen to music. If those things don’t work, then I look in the mirror and tell myself to just pick it up and get it moving!
4. What work-related habit or practice do you think contributes the most to your success?
I have two: 1) don’t put things off and 2) get the big things done piece-by-piece.
I try to handle things one time. If it comes to me, I grab it, get it taken care of and move on. I don’t want to waste time going back over the same thing time and again, just to put it off for another time. Take hold of it and get it done!
Piece-by-piece is another important perspective. There are so many things that seem overwhelming and impossible, but broken into their pieces and parts, they are not so bad. Every little bit that is accomplished is one step closer to complete. Before I know it, the project is wrapping up and I’m off to the next big thing.
5. What’s the best thing you’ve found to do when you’re stressed?
Turn the music up loud and sing it out, spend a few minutes on the speed bag or heavy bag or just sit back, take a deep breath and get real. Often the stress is self-induced and taking a real look at the situation can help bring it into perspective.
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